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Hillcrest centre weirdness: 1. Lawsuit 2. Members meet without board 3. Board members still not talking

May 7th, 2014 · 1 Comment

For those following this drama, the latest:

1. Park board launches a lawsuit again Riley Park-Hillcrest community centre to get them to turn over financial information

2. At last report, board member Ken Charko said he has been unable to get president Jesse Johl to communicate with him or organize a meeting

3. Irate resident Art Bomke sends in this report

The story around the RPHCA seems to be dormant at the moment, but  I thought I would update you on the activities of our members group.
1. We have sent a letter  to the BC Registry asking for help under the Society Act.
2. Following the Association by-laws, we held an AGM which none of the current directors attended and at which the quorum of attending RPCHA members approved the following directive: “This meeting instructs the Directors to properly perform and complete their duties under by-law 47 and include all usual reports in a notice of meeting to be issued byJune 9 by mail to all members in good standing at that date. M(Carol), S(Terri), Carried unanimously.”
We then adjourned the meeting until 7 pm on June 26th at the Hillcrest Centre at which time an “open” AGM will be reconvened, the normal business items of an AGM discussed and new directors elected. This date was selected as the earliest time that directors can be nominated and be allowed to stand under the current by-laws that require the prospective directors inform the RPHCA Board 45 days ahead of the AGM.
3. At this time the members of the RPHCA still have no access to financial statements and AGM minutes since 2011.


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